
Since June 2020 RiCH88 has been launched and adered to provide players the concept of local game experience and safe management environment. It has rapidly became the representative game in South East Asia. We developed and did research in South East Asia, in order to understand customers' needs and taking a broad view of international market. We sincerely look forward to giving players in the world the best experience.


We are dedicated to develop custom tradition and local popular game, in order to simply let players only use their fingers to experience familiar game. Our original intention of game development is for the players who play RiCH88' s games and have some feeling like ''WOW'' "These really belong to our local game".


Game Feature

We provide the safest and rapidest API service and safest system framework, in order to let player play without worries. We are elite to develop the local game in South East Asia. From every card board games, local featured games to combine local featured slots. RiCH88 helps you catch the popular game in each area.



Insist to present local and original game.



We are dedicated to develop innovative content.



Continually improving and using new technology to game development.